New UPDATE in the area

Hello everybody! its been a long run and I'd like to announce you some few updates. A major and more noticeable one is the optimization process that I've been and still working on.  Now, the game runs better and have less lagging. BUT I still struggle with FPS drop during particle effect events and crowded places with too much infantry. Other than that, the game runs really better. It received a FPS counter, so now you can track on your devices and feedback me on how the game is going in your end. 
Thanks for the understanding and patience along the project. 

New Update:

- FPS related issues was almost at 90%. I manage to make the game run smoothly with less lags.
- PARTICLE updates. Now less "flat" looking as before.

- Afghanistan small 2Players map.
- UNITS VOICE OVERS MAJOR UPDATE. I know some of them may sound a little robotic, but there you go.

Known Issues:
- Minimap changed; Not working as before, because the main FPS issues was related to it. Now you press "M" and you have a local minimap; (STILL WORK IN PROGRESS)
- FPS dropping with crowded places. Excessive unit building by NPC factions may cause fps drops.


Tactical Desert Operations: Desert Storm v1.2 3 GB
Version 2 Oct 16, 2021


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